TIL Desk/National/Siliguri/ West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Thursday said her government would cancel the lease and auction the tea gardens that have been shut for a long time and file criminal cases against tea garden owners defaulting on employees’ provident fund and gratuity.
Holding a series of meetings during the day at the northern West Bengal secretariat Uttarkanya with regard to the problems of tea gardens in the region, she met representatives of tea gardens and also discussed the issues with cabinet colleagues – Labour Minister Moloy Ghatak and Arup Biswas – and senior officials.
“We will file a criminal case against the tea garden owners who don’t pay PF and gratuity. Though PF is under the Central government, strict action will be taken for non-payment,” said Banerjee. Regarding closed tea gardens, the Chief Minister said: “We will cancel the lease and auction the tea gardens that have been kept closed for a long time. Six tea gardens have been non-functional from the days of the Left Front rule.”