TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has warned private hospitals against refusing to treat accident victims in the city. Kejriwal said despite a scheme launched by the AAP dispensation in February 2018, under which the Delhi government bears all expenses of treatment on such patients, some hospitals were refusing to treat them.
Addressing a press conference here, Kejriwal said that he on Tuesday held a meeting with representatives of privates hospitals, which assured him of full cooperation in implementing the scheme. He said there is also a Supreme Court order according to which no hospital can refuse to treat accident victims.
“After accident, there is a golden hour to save the life of accident victim… If they (private hospitals) refuse to treat accident victims, we will take a strict action, including cancellation of their license,” Kejriwal told reporters. He said that since the Delhi government”s scheme has been launched in February in 2018, 2501 people have been treated.