Delhi-NCR, India, State

Modi ceded thousands of km of land to China: Rahul Gandhi

Modi ceded thousands of km of land to China: Rahul Gandhi

TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Monday slammed the Centre and alleged that the government had ceded thousands of kilometres of India’s territory to China. In a tweet today, the Congress leader wrote, “Mr Modi and his minions have ceded thousands of km of Indian land to China. When exactly are we getting it back?”

The 12th round of Corps Commander level talks between India and China concluded at 7.30 pm in Moldo on the Chinese side of the Line of Actual Control, the Army sources informed on Saturday. According to the sources, in the nine-hour-long meetings, both sides discussed issues to resolve the ongoing military standoff along with the Eastern Ladakh sector.

India and China have already disengaged from the banks of Pangong lake after extensive talks and the Gogra Heights and Hot Springs areas are left to be resolved as these friction points were created post-Chinese aggression last year.

The two sides had clashed in the Galwan valley last year which led to the deaths of several Chinese and Indian soldiers. Though India has declared that it lost 20 troops in the clash, the Chinese have not yet acknowledged the number of its dead soldiers. India and China have held several rounds of talks but the outcome has not been much.

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