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Sindhu India’s pride, one of our most outstanding Olympians: PM Modi

Sindhu India’s pride, one of our most outstanding Olympians: PM Modi

TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Prime Minister Narendra Modi has hailed ace badminton player P V Sindhu as India’s pride after she won bronze in the Tokyo Olympics. He tweeted, “We are all elated by the stellar performance by P V Sindhu. Congratulations to her on winning the Bronze at @Tokyo2020. She is India’s pride and one of our most outstanding Olympians. ”Modi also spoke to Sindhu on phone to congratulate her.

The reigning world champion became only the second Indian and the country’s first woman to win two Olympic medals, securing a bronze after a straight-game win over world No. 9 He Bing Jiao of China in the badminton women’s singles third-place play-off. She had secured a silver in the 2016 Rio Games.

Wrestler Sushil Kumar is the first and only other Indian to win two Olympic medals, following up his bronze at 2008 Beijing with a silver at the 2012 London edition. “P V Sindhu becomes the first Indian woman to win medals in two Olympic games. She has set a new yardstick of consistency, dedication and excellence. My heartiest congratulations to her for bringing glory to India,” Kovind tweeted.

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