
Munger firing attack on Hindutva: Shiv Sena

TIL Desk/National/Mumbai/ Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut on Friday said that the Munger firing incident is an attack on Hindutva and asked why the BJP Governor in Bihar is not raising questions about it.

Speaking to the media, Raut said, “During the procession of immersion of Goddess Durga idol, violence erupted in Munger. After that, the police opened fire in which one person died and many others were injured. It is an attack on Hindutva.”

The Shiv Sena MP further said, “If such an incident were to happen in Maharashtra or West Bengal then the Governors and BJP leaders would have demanded President’s rule. So, why is Bihar Governor and BJP leaders not raising questions on the incident?”

The Election Commission of India has ordered the immediate removal of Superintendent of Police and District Magistrate of Munger over arson in the district of poll-bound Bihar.

An inquiry has been ordered into the incident by Asangba Chuba AO, Divisional Commissioner, Magadh that has to be completed with seven days. The new District Magistrate and the SP will be posted in Munger today itself.

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