TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ The announcement of the relaunch of the odd-even scheme in Delhi evoked criticism for Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, with the opposition calling it “election stunt” and drama. While the Congress said Kejriwal made the announcement to divert the attention of the people from other pressing problems affecting the people of the national capital, the BJP termed the plan a drama and poll stunt.
Kejriwal announced on September 13 the relaunch of the odd-even scheme in Delhi between November 4 and 15, saying it will be one of the seven measures taken by the government to check air pollution in the city due to crop stubble burning in Haryana and Punjab.
Reacting to the announcement, Union Road Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari said the step was not necessary.”I don’t think it is necessary. We have made a new Ring Road, and with that Delhi’s pollution has come down a lot. And in my estimate in two years…Rs 50,000 crore has been provided by my department, and the Yamuna Clean Water and Clean Air Scheme are going on, and with that, in two years Delhi will be pollution-free.”