TIL Desk Sports/ India’s wicketkeeper Mahendra Singh Dhoni has been rested for the final two ODIs of the ongoing five-match series against Australia which means that Friday’s third match in Ranchi could well prove to be his last international outing on home soil.”We will have some changes in the last two games.
Mahi (Dhoni) will not be playing in the last two games. He will be taking rest ,” India’s assistant coach Sanjay Bangar said after the third match. With India not scheduled to play home matches till October, the ODI against Australia could well be the last time that Dhoni has played for India on home soil.
The 2019 World Cup is widely believed to be Dhoni’s swansong in India colours. However, the Jharkhand State Cricket Association believes that they would get one limited overs match during the next home season where Dhoni could bid a proper farewell. Knowing Dhoni’s allergy to publicity, the chances of that happening is pretty dim at the moment. India pacer Mohammed Shami will also be not available for the next match due to a leg injury he sustained during the Ranchi match.