
Biden instructs American troops to stay in Afghanistan until evacuation is complete

Biden instructs American troops to stay in Afghanistan until evacuation is complete

TIL Desk/World/Washington/ US President Joe Biden will keep the US troops in Afghanistan until every American is evacuated. He may even maintain a military presence there beyond his August 31 deadline for withdrawal.

He also pushed back against criticism that the US should have done more to plan for the evacuation and withdrawal, which has been marked by scenes of violence and chaos as thousands attempted to flee while the Taliban advanced. In an interview, Biden said the US will do “everything in our power” to evacuate Americans and US allies from Afghanistan before the deadline”.

Pressed repeatedly on how the administration would help Americans left in the nation after August 31, Biden said, “If there’s American citizens left, we’re gonna stay till we get them all out”. Up to 15,000 Americans remain in Afghanistan after the Taliban took full control of the nation last weekend.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said earlier Wednesday that the US military does not have the forces and firepower in Afghanistan to expand its current mission from securing the Kabul airport to collecting Americans and at-risk Afghans elsewhere in the capital and escorting them for evacuation.

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