
Biden says he trusts vaccines and scientists, not Trump

TIL Desk/World/Washington/ Joe Biden said that while he trusts what scientists say about a potential coronavirus vaccine, he doesn’t trust US President Donald Trump. His comments come as the debate over a vaccine how it will be evaluated and distributed when it’s ready has taken centre stage in the presidential race with seven weeks to go until the November election.

Trump and Biden have been trading accusations that the other is undermining public trust in a potential coronavirus vaccine. Biden has expressed concerns that the vaccine approval process could be politicized, while Trump and his allies counter that such comments from Biden and other Democrats are turning off the public to a potentially lifesaving vaccine when it’s released.

Biden, speaking in Wilmington, Delaware, after being briefed by public health experts about a potential vaccine, cited Trump’s incompetence and dishonesty surrounding the distribution of personal protective equipment and coronavirus testing. The US can’t afford to repeat those fiascos when it comes to a vaccine,” he said.

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