
China approves ‘patriotic’ plan to control elections in Hong Kong

China approves 'patriotic' plan to control elections in Hong Kong

TIL Desk/World/Hong Kong/ Chinese lawmakers approved an extensive overhaul of how Hong Kong chooses its leaders, a momentous step in Beijing’s efforts to curb opposition in the Asian financial hub’s political system.

The National People’s Congress passed near unanimously a proposal Thursday to change the size and composition of the body that picks the city’s chief executive, and have it nominate local legislators. The rubber-stamp parliament also called for establishing a vetting committee to ensure candidates for office are “patriots,” effectively ending the only open elections under Beijing’s rule.

“The upcoming electoral reform will change who can get into the city’s assembly and who can elect the chief executive, two important political institutions,” Nick Or, an assistant professor of public policy at the City University of Hong Kong, said before the vote. The action “will fundamentally change the political landscape in Hong Kong,” Or said.

The NPC’s passage of the “draft decision” was all but assured, even though it was only placed on the agenda a week ago and the full text wasn’t published before the vote. China’s national parliament has never voted down legislation submitted by the Communist Party leadership.

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