
China for decades waged campaign to destroy Tibet’s proud culture, history: Pelosi

China for decades waged campaign to destroy Tibet’s proud culture, history: Pelosi

TIL Desk/World/Washington/ China for decades has waged a campaign to destroy Tibet”s proud culture and history, House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi has alleged, asserting that the US will continue to stand with the Tibetan people and honour those who sacrificed all for their rights and freedom.

Speaking on the occasion of the 62nd anniversary of Tibetan Uprising Day on Wednesday against the Chinese occupation of the remote Himalayan region, Pelosi said, “Sixty-two years ago, brave Tibetans rose up against the Chinese invasion to protect their way of life and culture. Today, we continue to stand with the Tibetan people and honour those who sacrificed all for their rights and freedom.”

“Tibetan men, women and children want simply to practice their faith, speak their language and celebrate their culture free from violence and intimidation. Yet, Beijing for decades has waged a campaign to destroy Tibet’s proud culture and history, which remains a clarion call for action to freedom-loving people worldwide,” the top Democrat said.

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