
India@UN: Pak harbouring terror outfits on its soil

India@UN: Pak harbouring terror outfits on its soil

TIL Desk/World/UN/ India has told the UN General Assembly that it is high time the international community called on Pakistan to take “effective and irreversible” actions against terror outfits operating on its soil, asserting that Islamabad should not take the “high road of morality” which is only laden with mines of falsehood.

Hitting out at Pakistan for its “vitriolic diatribe” against India, Special Secretary (Internal Security), Ministry of Home Affairs in the Government of India V S K Kaumudi said: “as expected, the delegation of Pakistan has again resorted to peddling false narratives and making baseless allegations against India.”

He was speaking at the 2nd High Level Conference of the Head of Counter Terrorism Agencies of the Member States in the General Assembly on Monday.

“For a nation that engages in sectarian violence against its own minorities and harbors a deep sense of insecurity and orchestrated hatred for India, there is nothing new that we could have expected from this delegation, he said at the session Global scourge of terrorism: assessment of current threats and emerging trends for the new decade.’

He noted that the 7th review of the Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy (GCTS) is over and Pakistan’s false narrative was summarily negated by the UN membership.

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