
‘No apologies for what I did’: Joe Biden defends Afghanistan exit

'No apologies for what I did': Joe Biden defends Afghanistan exit

TIL Desk/World/Washington/ United States President Joe Biden on Wednesday defended his decision to pull out from Afghanistan and said “I make no apologies for what I did”.

Speaking on the occasion of completing a year in the office, he said, “There is no way to get out of Afghanistan after 20 years easily. Not possible, no matter when you did it. And I make no apologies for what I did.”

However, Biden expressed his sympathy for the crisis in Afghanistan after the Taliban took control of the nation in mid-August. Biden said that he felt bad about “what’s happening in Afghanistan as a result of the incompetence of the Taliban.”

“I have a great concern for the women and men who were blown up on the line at the airport by a terrorist attack against them,” he said. Defending his withdrawal from Afghanistan decision, Biden blamed previous administrations for the fiasco.

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