
North Korea blasts UN resolution on rights abuse

North Korea blasts UN resolution on rights abuse

TIL Desk/World/Seoul/ North Korea on Tuesday hit back at a latest UN resolution that condemned Pyongyang’s rights abuses, calling it a “serious… provocation” that would undermine peace efforts on the Korean peninsula.

The UN General Assembly adopted last week a resolution — which passed by consensus without a vote — condemning the “systematic, widespread and gross” human rights violations in the isolated North.

The impoverished but nuclear-armed nation, ruled by the Kim family through three generations, has been accused of state-sanctioned abuses including torture, rape and extrajudicial killings.

It marked the 14th consecutive year the UN has passed such a document. The North has constantly denied any rights abuses in the country and labelled the UN criticisms as smear campaigns aimed at undermining its leadership.

The North’s state-run Rodong newspaper slammed the latest resolution as a “serious political provocation against the (North) and a vicious move to tarnish its international image”.

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