
Pak globally-recognised epicenter of terrorism: India at UN

TIL Desk/World/UN/ In a scathing attack on Pakistan, India has said that if there is an unfinished agenda at the UN, it is that of tackling the scourge of terrorism and the country, a globally-recognised epicenter of the menace, which harbours and trains terrorists and hails them as martyrs.

Exercising India’s right to reply on Monday, First Secretary in the country’s Permanent Mission to the UN Vidisha Maitra said: Pakistan is a country which is globally recognised as the epicenter of terrorism, which by its own admission harbours and trains terrorists, and hails them as martyrs and consistently persecutes its ethnic and religious minorities .

She was referring to Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan’s remarks in the country’s Parliament where he had termed former al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden as a martyr. We reject the malicious reference made to the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir, which is an integral part of India. If there is an item that is unfinished on the agenda of the UN, it is that of tackling the scourge of terrorism, Maitra said.

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