
Pak party plasters Karachi with banners supporting army chief Raheel Sharif

Pak party plasters Karachi with banners supporting army chief Raheel

TIL Desk/World/Karachi- Banners have again come up in Karachi in support of Pakistan Army Chief General Raheel Sharif, the media reported on Monday.

The banners, with slogans in Urdu ‘Kuch aur Nahin, Bus Pakistan’ (Nothing But Pakistan), contain the pictures of the army chief and the two soldiers killed at the Line of Control (LoC), The News International said.

The “Move On Pakistan” party displayed the banners, the daily said. According to reports its chairman said the move was aimed at expressing support to the army. His party had displayed banners in the past too in support of Gen Raheel, who is set to retire this year.

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