
Pakistan wants to deepen its longstanding ties with US: Qureshi

Pakistan wants to deepen its longstanding ties with US: Qureshi

TIL Desk/World/Islamabad/ Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said on Monday that his country wanted to deepen its longstanding ties with the United States.

Qureshi made the remarks during his meeting with Congressman Gregory Meeks, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representative (HFAC), and Congressman Ami Bera, Chairman of the Asia Subcommittee of the HFAC, who called on him.

Welcoming the Congressmen to Pakistan, Qureshi said that Pakistan valued its longstanding relationship with the US and wanted to further deepen and widen this relationship, according to a statement issued by Foreign Office.

He emphasised that Pakistan was pursuing imperatives of geo-economics and was determined to make the country a hub of trade, investment, and finance. He invited US companies to invest in Pakistan’s IT and Health sectors- apart from reaping dividends from other growing sectors.

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