
Trump Hosts Israel, UAE and Bahrain in Signing Ceremony

TIL Desk/World/Washington/ United States President Donald Trump on Tuesday hosted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and foreign ministers of the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain for the signing of the historic Abraham Accord, which is the first Arab-Israeli peace deal in 26 years.       

“We are here this afternoon to change the course of history. After decades of division and conflict we mark the dawn of a new Middle East,” Trump said, moments before the accord was signed at the South Lawns of the White House. The UAE was represented by Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed and Bahrain by Foreign Minister Abdullatif Al Zayani.

 The Arab Accord — essentially bilateral agreements with Israel — does not mention the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. “Thanks to the great courage of the leaders of these three countries we take a major stride towards a future in which people of all faiths and backgrounds live together in peace and prosperity,” Trump said.

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