TIL Desk Bollywood/ Bollywood actress Athiya Shetty dressed up in a glittery outfit looked no less than a princess for designer-duo Shyamal and Bhumika’s maiden show at India Couture Week (ICW) 2017, here on Wednesday.
The designer duo showcased their new couture collection titled “The Princess’s Soiree” and this made their debut on the platform.
“I have always been an admirer of Shyamal and Bhumika and been inspired by Indian art and craft. Seeking inspiration from the rich Indian heritage and history from the ancient culture, Shyamal and Bhumika create couture collections relevant to modern day sensibilities,” Athiya told.
“The play of colours and the silhouettes in their designs are stunning and it is my absolute pleasure and honour to be the showstopper for their first ever association with India Couture Week,” she added.