TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actress Anushka Sharma, who will be seen opposite Shah Rukh Khan in their upcoming “Jab Harry Met Sejal” says romancing the superstar was quite easy and that he can even romance a microphone. Both of them came along with music director Pritam and film director Imtiaz Ali for the launch of the new song “Hawayeina” on Wednesday.
Asked about how was it romancing Shah Rukh third time, on-screen, Anushka said: “Extremely easy! There is a genuineness in his eyes that we all can see – that reflects on-screen. In my opinion, he even can romance a microphone.” To this, Shah Rukh replied: “As long as you are holding the mic, darling!”
The evening started with a live performance by Pritam where he sang the song live and went on to show it on the big screen. Two of the songs of the film “Radhaa and “Beech Beech Mein” has already been released and gained popularity.