TIL Desk Bollywood/ Bollywood superstar Hrithik Roshan has posted a few emotional lines on social media to mark the completion of 20 years of his debut film ”s debut film “Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai”. In the post he shared on Instagram and Twitter, the actor talks about two emotions — “fear” and “fearlessness” — that best describes his Bollywood journey.
Sharing a video clip of his two characters Rohit and Raj from the movie, which turned him into a superstar overnight, Hrithik wrote: “I think the 2 emotions which best describe my journey of the past 20 years since KNPH, is simply “Fear” and “Fearless” both existing simultaneously and never one devoid of the other..”
“On the face of it, Fearless is a David. Fear is more a Goliath. But no matter how many times you repeat the story or in how many different ways, David still always defeats Goliath..” “I feel terribly bad for fear. Cause it tries so hard. Fearless is a smart cookie, it only follows one rule. To keep going..”