TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actress Richa Chadda, who adheres to a different political ideology from her “Panga” co-star Kangana Ranaut, says they avoided discussing politics while shooting the film. “We never discuss politics on a film set and it really does not matter as an individual which political ideology we subscribe to. I am not here to change anyone”s beliefs and what their politics are.
Everyone has their own beliefs and I am vocal about things that I strongly believe in,” Richa told. She continued: “When it comes to ”Panga”, we were making a film. We did that peacefully, professionally and in sync with the vision of the director. And there is no doubt about the fact that Kangana is a brilliant actress.”
For Richa, professionalism counts. “I am someone who has worked in films with different actors and when we actors work in a film, we all come together professionally to put our effort to make a film, tell a story. That is the intention and in ”Panga”, too. Kangana and I came as two professionals acting in a film. It is that simple,” she explained.