TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Wednesday reprimanded Delhi Police Commissioner Amulya Patnaik over the clash between two communities in the Hauz Qazi area of the capital, sources said. Patnaik was summoned by the Home Minister in Parliament today over the incident which was triggered by an argument over parking and led to violence and vandalisation of a temple in the area of Chandi Chowk on June 30.
Patnaik said he briefed the Home Minister on the current situation in Hauz Qazi area of the national capital, where clashes were witnessed recently. “We had some incident which started over parking in Wallet City area. The police has acted promptly and the situation is very well under control. It was a general briefing regarding that Chandi Chowk situation (with Shah).
Four persons have already been arrested and legal action will be taken against culprits,” Patnaik told. “CCTV footage which has been circulated is about a particular group of criminals. The teams are working on it. Persons will be identified and arrested soon,” he said. Four persons, including a minor, have been arrested in the case. Security personnel were deployed in the area after tensions heightened.