TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ With the Centre on Tuesday declaring the Uttar Pradesh government’s move to include 17 Other Backward Class communities into the scheduled castes list beyond the state’s power, the state opposition parties accused the Adityanath government of trying to mislead people. The state government had on June 24 directed district administration to issue SC certificates to 17 OBCs — Kashyap, Rajbhar, Dhivar, Bind, Kumhar, Kahar, Kewat, Nishad, Bhar, Mallah, Prajapati, Dhimar, Batham, Turha, Godia, Manjhi and Machua.
Responding to a Zero Hour mention by Bahujan Samaj Party member Satish Chandra Misra in Rajya Sabha, Social Justice and Empowerment Minister Thawar Chand Gehlot on Tuesday said shifting one caste to another category by the Uttar Pradesh government was “not proper” and only the Parliament has the power to do so.
Maintaining that the UP government move was not in accordance with the Constitution, Gehlot said if the state government wants to go ahead with its proposal, it should follow the procedure and send a proposal to the Centre. In Uttar Pradesh, the BSP, which has been in the forefront of opposing the state government move, said the Adityanath government’s order was against the spirit of the Constitution and the Centre has cleared the misunderstanding over the issue.