TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ PM Narendra Modi addresses farmers at the ‘Kisan Kalyan’ event in Raisen through video conferencing. “Today Rs 16,000 crores are being transferred into the bank accounts of 35 lakhs farmers of Madhya Pradesh,” he said.
“Today, several farmers have been given Kisan Credit Card. Earlier, they were not available to all farmers. But we changed rules to make Kisan Credit Card available to all farmers across the country.
“Farm Laws have not been introduced overnight. Over last 20-30 years, central govt and state govts had detailed discussions on these reforms. Agriculture experts, economists and progressive farmers have been demanding reforms.
“I request all political parties with folded hands, please keep all the credit. I’m giving credit to all your old election manifestos. I just want ease in the life of farmers, I want their progress and want modernity in agriculture.”