TIL Desk/National/Karnataka/ Hailing the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)’s victory in the North-east states’ polls, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday said that radicalisation can only be answered through integration. Addressing a Youth Convention in Karnataka’s Tumakuru via video conferencing, the Prime Minister said that he does not see the poll result as a victory or defeat of any party.
“You saw that the whole day, the entire country was smeared with the color of Holi. Yesterday the results of the North East once again created an atmosphere of festivity throughout the country.. The whole nation participated in the happiness of the people of the North East. This is important,” he said.
“For the first time, the people of other states of the country also sat in the morning to watch the decision of the people of the northeast. This is a huge change,” he added. He further said that people of the northeastern states used to feel a sense of alienation because of the policies of the previous governments adding, “that sentiment has now been eliminated by the policies of BJP government.”
“Not only development but people here also used to feel isolated from the mainstream of faith and morality. In the last four years, our government policies and decisions have worked to eliminate this sentiment. We have resolved the emotional integration of North East,” he added.