
China advises India to draw lessons from Doklam

China advises India to draw lessons from Doklam

TIL Desk/World/Beijing/ Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Wednesday advised India to draw lessons from the Doklam incident and said India should prevent such incidents in future following the end of the 71-day military stand-off in a strategically important area near the Sikkim-Tibet-Bhutan trijunction.

“We hope the Indian side will learn lessons from this incident and prevent similar things from happening again,” Foreign Minister Wang Yi told a news briefing on the upcoming BRICS summit, which includes both nations as well as Brazil, Russia and South Africa.

Wang also said it was natural for two big nations to have differences, but they needed to set them aside and work out a solution in the long run. This statement of the Chinese Foreign Ministry comes two days after India and China agreed to end their stand-off in the Doklam Plateau by reaching an understanding to not let their long standing differences become disputes.

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