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Imran Khan calls on Pakistanis to take part in ”Kashmir Hour”

Imran Khan calls on Pakistanis to take part in ''Kashmir Hour''

TIL Desk/World/Islamabad/ Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan on Thursday called on his countrymen to take part in “Kashmir Hour”, to be observed on Friday to show “solidarity with Kashmiris”, amid tensions between the two neighbours over India”s revocation of special status for Jammu and Kashmir.

“I want all Pakistanis to come out tomorrow 12 noon-12.30 p.m. to show solidarity with the Kashmiri people and send the Kashmiris in Indian-occupied Kashmir a clear message that the entire Pakistani nation stands in solidarity with them,” he said on Twitter.

In a series of tweets, Khan said that Pakistanis needed to send a message that “we were against Indian fascist oppression, the inhumane 24-day curfew, the daily injuring and killing of Kashmiri civilians including women and children — all parts of the Modi government”s agenda of ethnic cleansing and illegal annexation of Indian occupied Kashmir”. The cricketer-turned-politician said that “the plan to change the demography of Indian occupied Kashmir was a war crime under the Fourth Geneva Convention”.

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